
Warmer weather = morning runs.... ouch.

 With the cold weather, my running has unfortunately been a nonexistent thing of 2014. To be honest, it has been a nonexistent thing since Thanksgiving..... ehhhh... Luckily it hasn't affected how my clothes fit (yet) and after last week's 'snowmaggedon', who would have thought that temperatures would be in the 60s this weekend? I woke up, realized this was February 1st, and decided this was THE day to get back on track with my morning therapy sessions - running. As it happens, I stumbled across the gazelle/ lion drawing above and got the fire lit under my ass to get out the door.... Now if only Baby would let me out without her... 
 I managed to get going just after 8 and made the whole route without stopping.... I have to admit, I thought I was going to die before I even made it to the .5 mile marker (the Kangaroo gas station on Prince), but forced myself to press on until I at least got to the halfway mark which was 1.2 miles.... I made it, got some cheerleading texts from my running partner (who couldn't make it with me on this first run of the year - I'm kinda glad she couldn't, as I would have s-l-o-w-e-d her butt dowwwwwn), and proceeded to the next mini goal of 'just make it to the Kangaroo and you can walk the last half mile' point. Low and behold, I came up on a walker that was warming up for a jog..... I had about three quarters of a mile left, and she started to run right as I was passing her. We started talking, introduced ourselves, her name was Chloe, she was at the end of her "Couch to 5K" training plan, and we stayed together a good half mile before we parted ways to finish our runs. How cool. I needed that. Thanks universe. Just when you think you are all on your own in making it happen for yourself, the most random little things can keep you going...  Thanks, Chloe!!
 I made it all the way home without walking ..... at ..... all. First run of the year was a success. I was a bit slower paced than normal, and I am sore like crazy. Here's to many more runs in 2014!

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