


It’s been a busy and productive week. The business is growing each week and we are hitting a record number of dogs next week! It’s also hustle mode for getting the property prepped for Spring and Summer, taking advantage of cutting things back now while things are still dormant. 

Yesterday my mom came out and helped me clean up around the 200+ year old oak on the farm. The privet and brambles took over last year when this place was getting neglected, and the many storms last year left fallen limbs. We had a couple of burn piles and now that ol’ tree can stand pretty this year! It was a perfect way to catch up and get in a good workout. My mom is active and fit and takes full advantage of her sprightly energy and physical abilities and I hope I can be as healthy as her when I’m her age. Switching from decades of a desk job to daily hikes with dogs has definitely got me heading in the right direction. 

Today I cut back all the overgrowth around the house and brought the limbs up on an old cedar tree and my hope is to finish the front yard this week and then start working on the back yard. I want to have this place ready for entertaining small gatherings of friends by summer. 

The goats enjoyed snacking on all the cedar cuttings and the ducks enjoyed this very Spring-like day in their pool. 

I am looking forward to having things set here and just maintaining for a few hours each week, having a drink by an outdoor fire, actually getting to relax and slow down a bit. I wanted to get back to regular postings here, but to be honest, it’s been so pretty outside I can’t help but take advantage. 

Lots of changes in life, lots of exciting ventures with friends on a few different burners, and taking every chance to explore new opportunities. 

I had planned on going thrifting but still haven’t managed to do that yet either… Spring has hit earlier than expected and I’m in major organization mode. 

I’m beat from slinging 50lb bags of feed, but super proud of Reece for being able to wait peacefully in the truck while I was in the feed store. His favorite thing is going for rides, but his guarding used to be so severe it was impossible for me to leave him unattended in the car/ truck. 

I’m off to take a hot shower and baby this tired body by going to bed early with a heating pad. Sorry for the not-so interesting update…

Goodnight, lovelies.



Monday morning….


It’s Monday morning and the rain is coming down pretty good. I love a good slow rainy morning having my coffee and listening to the tapping on the tin roof…. Later I have two doggie hikes and a session at the state prison volunteering with the dog program there, sandwiched in between. 

My weekend was equal parts restful and productive. I kicked off the weekend with a little Chinese takeout after a very long but gratifying week of business. I’m just now getting the hang of how I need the scheduling aspect of the business to be so that by summer the bus has logged all its hikes for the day by 1:30 and I can be home with my own dogs and tending to this beautiful place. Yesterday I thought about getting out and doing a little thrifting but opted for a long bath instead. 

 For the first time in months, I started the process of prepping the land for the upcoming year. There is so much to do in this regard mainly because I ignored all this last year due to new business, the end of my relationship weighing heavy on me, and my main lawn tractor being out of commission since last August after I accidentally ran over some electric rope horse fencing and my backup having a dead battery. A week ago I got both of ‘em running like champs and I’m super excited to get to work on the ‘back acres’ … There are trees that need their limbs brought up, several fallen pines that need to be cut up, burn piles to be burned, and dormant wild overgrowth that needs to be cut back. This part of the property is my favorite. It’s unseen from the dirt road, completely private, and absolutely gorgeous. 

I got a new table from a client and set it up in my new creative space. The loft used to be where I crammed all my hobby stuff so it’s nice to have a creative space conveniently located downstairs so Poptart can come hang with me while I sew or work on prints. The loft hasn’t been tidied or touched since Christian moved all his boxes of records and stuff out. Last summer, our cat sadly passed away due to kidney failure so where the loft was the cat’s space to get away from Poptart, the loft currently has no real purpose …. yet. Before Spring I plan on cleaning it up and having that be a peaceful spot for guests (if I ever have any). My sister was here just after Christmas and she actually house-sat for me while I was away overnight sitting someone else’s pets! 

Anyway, I’m off to work - in the rain. Two more new dogs starting up weekly hikes this week and we added a new slot today to our weekly schedule! 

Happy Monday, yall! 




surprise, surprise!

Ello… I ended up getting a pretty little blanket of snow across the farm a few days ago and it came as a surprise! It seemed as if it was going to pass us by completely so I hadn’t planned on it especially since we just got snow less than two weeks ago. It came down for hours and as always, this Georgia gal gets a little excited about a little farm dusting… Luckily I was prepared and doled out extra hay and packed the wood stove to keep the house nice and toasty….

I was able to spot lots of little footprints of some of the wildlife out here that passes through. Here you see rabbit tracks, but I also saw lots of deer tracks also. 

One of the security cameras caught me at feeding time hauling hay and snacks to the horses…
…and even though I stocked the run-ins full of hay, the horses preferred to stand out in it.
… so I gave in and also doled out snacks in the pasture as well.
There is something magical about seeing your house covered in snow…I don’t know if there will come a time where I don’t marvel over how different the view is each day. 

I closed the business for a day and a half, but the bus was up and running by this afternoon despite the dirt road still being covered in snow. Luckily all the main roads were treated and ice free for doggy pickups and hiking. 

It is quite different experiencing this kind of magic all by my lonesome on the farm, but I am making the most of this new chapter in my life. I have been working on surrounding myself with things and people and relationships that fuel my life for good.  I'm processing a lot lately and aim to work even harder to see beauty in everything. I'm striving to find gratitude in every situation and make changes to nurture a thankful heart. While I'd still rather chat over coffee or a call, I must admit here that the last few years wasn't perfect. I tried, failed, changed, and grew. I discovered weaknesses in my character, but truly lived, adventuring solo and exploring my identity. I hope for more moments of truth, adventure, and honesty this year. I want to embrace what makes me happy, wish success for others, and welcome the inevitable hurt that fosters growth. I'm working hard to savor life as if each day is my last and you should too! 

til next time,



thrifted & gifted!

 Well we got snow and I’ve closed the bus/ hikes for the day due to icy road conditions, so why not take full advantage of the situation and jump back into full swing here on the blog with a twist on the old ‘frugal fashionable Friday’ posts?? 

Here’s the very first “thrifted & gifted” post (snow edition)!


Velour faux fur trimmed coat: yard sale, $5 (2008ish)

Hat: Amazon years ago for a costume 

Boots: thrifted $12

Dress: thrifted $9

I do have a few clients that I need to go visit for petsitting, so I will be off to do that when the sun warms the roads. Two surprise snows in two weeks is just wow…

I can’t remember this happening here in Georgia ever. 

Be safe out there, y'all…. 

