
february 1.


Good morning! I cannot believe it is February already. I have so much to do before Spring here on the farm and in the vintage shop - eeek! I usually take off the month of January from the Fox and the Forest shop because December wears my a$$ out with all the sales and markets; however January was my busiest month to date for the dog-walking and pet-sitting. So although I did close the shop for a bit, I didn’t really get a break to work on the farm…. but ya know what?? I have never been happier in my entire life. 

2024 is uncharted territory for me - it’s exciting and new and fresh and all mine. Even though I left my 20 year office job behind in October of 2021, I started out both 2022 & 2023 putting all my time and energy into a project that was emotionally taxing, but needed to be done and ultimately paid off in a big way and made those home renovations last year possible, so this year is the first year I’m feeling that freedom… woot!

This very moment actually, I’m sitting on our couch watching the fake Netflix fireplace ;) while Christian snoozes, blogging, eating waffles, soaking one foot in epsom salts (that story later), and drinking coffee (yes we still have our tree up, but it comes down tomorrow!).

 I’ve got five dog-walking appointments set up for today and in between those I am making plans for various clothing that needs to be listed in the shop this month. Tomorrow I have the luxury of being able to work all day at home, on the farm - either working the land or working in the shop - essentially the plan is to not leave the property all day !! Fingers crossed that actually happens :)

So, happy February to you all and I hope so far your year has been everything you’d hoped for! Our ‘down time’ is almost over here because Christian is heading into his peak work season (weddings - already!!) and of course when the farm starts blooming, we don’t slow down til the leaves fall….

I really joyed last week’s mix tape, so gonna make another one in the same style because that’s my mood lately… a little junior boys, a little LCD Soundsystem, a little girl pop, and a little dancing… 



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