
rainy morning writings..

 Good morning! There is something about a rainy morning that forces me to just relish in the moment. We live in an old farmhouse with a lovely tin roof and the noise of the constant rain on the tin roof is quite therapeutic. It gives space to just be in the moment, collect my thoughts about recent events, and plan the day accordingly around showers. 

Obviously there isn’t a whole lot I can do outside on the land here, but I do get to spend time with the animals in their covered shelters and they all have tin roofs as well, so it’s soothing for all when we can just hang out under the cover of tin and look out at all the promise of green fields that will soon be sprouting everywhere around here…

I’ve already checked my schedule for the dog-walking work I have on my books and it’s possible to miss the rain altogether today when there are brief breaks in the showers. It’s unseasonably warm, temps in the 60s almost reaching 70 a few days this week. 

The ducks love to be outside on days like this. The old saying “nice weather for the ducks” is actually true. When I first got Quack Nicholson, I googled this just to see after he seemed extra happy in his little pool in a downpour.. 

I have a few early morning appointments that I’ll leave soon to go take care of - all indoor cats this morning, and then back home to do some nice things for myself. One of my new years goals was to have daily self-care. I mentioned baths, facials things of that nature, but I haven’t really made time for those things. Today I have the perfect opportunity for several of these things…

 One thing I didn’t mention that I have made time for this year is naps. Oh, my how I have enjoyed napping midday every single day this year! Talk about self-care! In between client appointments, I usually have a large enough gap to eat a nice lunch and then cuddle with either Reece or Poptart… Naps are now one of my prized little treats and I never really looked at them that way before. They’ve always been something I’ve regarded as a ‘catch-up’ when I haven’t gotten the sleep I needed. Nowadays, I’m getting a good nights sleep and catching some midday dreams because my schedule allows for it. 

The first day of 2024, I blogged about how I’d worked for the first time since I was a bartender in my early 20s. I also mentioned that I had been working on a new business with a friend who I’m partnering with this year. A business that is centered around dogs and using that business to give back to the community. I released a little sketch of the logo that is still undergoing changes, but on New Year’s Day, I was also tasked with the legal organization of our company and I just got the stamp of approval on Monday this week! We are now legal in all the ways!! My partner worked on the insurance, the logistics of our business structure, and other things she’s naturally good at, but it was important to me that I filed on the first day of the year that would change everything for us… 

Last month, December 2023, I bought a sweet ride for this venture; a little F350 shuttlebus. It drives like an dream and will be fitted with kennels for safely transporting several dogs for outings when their families are working long days. Have a peek:

We are working on having it painted or wrapped so it will be a rolling billboard in addition to being our office and transportation (anyone who knows someone in this field who may be able to give us a deal, get with me!)! I couldn’t be more excited about this venture. Working with like-minded, dog-loving gals doing most fulfilling work that also will afford us to give back to the community is a dream come true! Let’s hear it for GIRL POWER!

I mentioned in an earlier post about a week ago, the nonprofit I am with (Unwanted NYC Pets, the Southern Chapter), has seen multiple dogs get into better situations. More than any other month ever. Our org has been blessed beyond what I could have even imagined. 

One of my goals this year was to “pay attention to the good in the world”, and that one little things has been truly life changing. When you spend lot of time in the animal rescue world, you see the sad, the ugly, and the unimaginable, but reminding myself of the hope in these situations has been truly rewarding. In the past it has been hard to shift my thoughts from the negative in these situations, but working hard to do the opposite, and help my partner in rescue see the good in each situation, has been paying off. 

Well, I’m off to attempt to drag my own dogs out in this rain (I likely will not be successful) before heading out to my morning appointments and am going to work on a mixtape for the weekend - hopefully posting it here tomorrow. I can’t believe it’s already Thursday!

Although it’s wet, dreary, and icky out there where I am, I am already looking forward to getting some lap time and love from Mr. Marbles who seems to be loving a safe and secure dry place to lay his head… 



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