
it actually snowed!

 the last time I posted, it was in regards to getting the farm ready for a big snow/ ice storm.... well, we did get a good amount of beautiful big flakes, but because of all the rain beforehand, the ground being saturated with water, and the temps not really being ideal for snow, it was just not too impressive..... 

Last night though, we only had a 30% chance of snow, and look!!!! It actually snowed! The temps are in the 20s, and it will warm up in a bit and melt away, but what a sweet sight this morning! 

I was so excited, I didn't even get properly dressed to take both dogs out to play and explore in it a bit. Reece was thrilled and Poptart was not too impressed. She was hoping a lake landed in our yard so she could go swimming, but you know, highly unlikley....

Anyway, I am making more coffee, then gonna get dressed to let out the rest of the chickens - Lil Biggie has her very own private suite in the barn, so she got let out early to explore on her own a bit in peace... The horses and goats are all slowly coming out to explore and see what all the fuss is about, and since it is a special day, I'll feed some surprise morning snacks to get everyone out for 'snowday pics' - ha! 

Enjoy these snapshots, and have a lovely Saturday! 



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