
we got a pool!

Ha! Yes!!!! We finally got our pool.... It may be a little plastic baby pool, but it was a fun way to cool off last weekend. We are headed in the direction of a bigger pool, and would love to plan well enough that next summer we actually have a decent sized above ground pool, but last weekend when I saw these on clearance, I couldn't resist.

I also had specific orders from my doctor to take weekly sunbaths, and this definitely makes it more fun! Sunbaths stimulate red cell production, and can make me feel better with this anemia stuff I have been dealing with....

In addition to the sunbaths, we have also decided to go vegetarian for a little while.... The goal is to cut out inflammatory foods, and meat and wheat are two that we feel we can easily cut out. I made a huge batch of the Grit yeast gravy Saturday morning, and I must say, I could eat that all by itself. Ha!!

Anyway, more vegetables, less animal products, and more sun for the next several months! Let's see how this goes...

....and here are a few more pics from Sunday...
the gate that leads into the pines......
view from just beyond the gate as the sun is rising. This is my favorite time of day, and a morning routine that Eddie and I have. We check fencelines, soak in a few sunrays, and breathe in the fresh morning air. <3



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