The morning started off at the coldest 7 degrees that I can remember in my 37 years.... I know for a fact my animals have never had to endure such brutal temps. I woke up as usual, but then prayed that the dripping faucets and open cabinet doors did the trick in this old house.....whew! WE HAVE WATER!!! I made coffee, got dressed, went out and started the car, and got all my milk jars out to fill up with hot water so that the animals would at least have water for a few hours this morning before it froze again. Uh-oh.... there was water coming out of the hot spigot, so I knew it was not a frozen pipe, but something with the water heater... Turns out it was a simple fix - pilot light went out! I called work, told them I was gonna be a little late, boiled pots of water to take the animals, and headed out. I was really worried about Eli because as tough as he seems, he was visibly upset about the cold yesterday...and oh, sooooo mean..... All the animals were fine! He seemed in much better spirits, although he was furious that he could not see his chickens. He kept trying to take the plastic off, so I had to put him in the other field. Everyone was good!! I was super relieved. I fed them almost double their usual food in hopes to keep their metabolism up and everything moving in their system... I think this evening, I'll visit my awesome goat guru and get some probiotics for the crew for added measure.

Eli's mohawk was standing tall in the wind, and Ellie was right by her BFF as usual......
Ellen was cold, but managed to venture out of the barn for a minute before heading back in....
Misty was too busy finding grass to eat in the field to come to me for a close-up....
Milly is always coming near for a picture if I'm out there... she's such a little ham.....
Lauren looked like a little bear - see her back there behind Milly?
The coop cover held up in the wind and the girls were happy and healthy!
...a look inside the coop...I didn't even let anyone out yesterday.... as hard as it was to get them IN there (they made me catch every single one of them! They were so unsure of that plastic!!), I figured they would be warmer and safer inside all day...
Aeon and Pancha (the two rescues) stuck together in the corner of the coop...
Smiling Milly....
Lauren and I took these to show support for our friend Rachel - her dad just had to get his leg amputated and she is making a collage of people showing their support of him by holding up a leg...
Milly is built a little funny, but she's happy!
....I LOVE goat teeth. Anytime I get a picture of them, it makes my day. I mean, how dang cute is THIS?!?!?!?
Milly checking out the coop....
Getting some Milly love.....
While I was at the farm, my boss called and said work was dead and to take the day off, so I made a big delicious brunch....cheese eggs, home fries, bacon, steamed broccoli, and grits.....
..then Christian and I decided to see 'Anchorman 2'. I loved it - I have heard it got bad reviews, but I could watch Will Ferrel all day. He's the best. After the movie, we headed home, I filled up my bottles with more hot water, put everyone up at the farm - Baby needed a sweater it was so cold ;)
...and we ended the day with this beautiful sight.....I love a good winter sunset....
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