
saturday snapshots

 This morning I took little Coco girl to her very first adoption event. I have been reluctant to take her due to her high 'stranger danger' behavior and barking at new faces that approach her.  I did notice that it helped to have Big Man there coaching her on how to act in public... Big Man's advocate
To my surprise, after the first hour of setting up as far away from the entrance as possible, where she did her usually yelling at every passerby, we toughed it out, and by the last hour (we were there a total of 4 hours), we had moved to right by the front entrance. YES!!!! We were actually greeting each and every person coming and going from the store. If you are interested in learning more info on how to adopt Coco, please shoot me a message by using the form to the left on this page.
Needless to say, I am so proud of Coco, and am optimistic that she will find her home before the end of the year....
After the event, it was hang-time in the pasture with these beauties....

it was a good day, although I didn't take too many pics for this post. I'll be back tomorrow for the Sunday Sweet Stuff..... night!



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