
catchup post!

Hello hello! It is late and I didn't blog all weekend, but I have been a busy bee over at the farm and the rescue and my day job that pays all the bills..... It has been terribly rainy and messy and waaaaaaaaaay too wet outside for me to be too motivated about much, but here I am, and here I will update. Last weekend was a bit of a cram session in the garden project. My apprenticeship under the garden growing master officially started. A few of us helped sowed a few rows of kale, spinach, and lettuce. I also started a bunch of other things inside...

I had a few friends come out and help me with various other projects on the farm. We rebuilt and insulated an outdoor spigot, took town a ton of chainlink fence, and hauled off a bunch of junk...

We did all this on Saturday and then Sunday the gully washer rolled in....and has pretty much been a daily thing since... Looks like we will have a day of sunshine tomorrow, and then more rain rain rain.

I am still trying to figure out how to manage my skunk problem, and that in itself is going to be costing me a pretty penny in exclusion repairs in the near future....

My potion-making has fallen to the wayside, my studio is a MESS (I am even too embarrassed to put a picture up here of it!!!), as well as pretty much everything else that sits on this 10 acre farm, but I am making progress. I have this way of working where everything always looks worse in the process of bettering it - and most of the time it is at it's worst just before the finish! Yikes! It surely looks like a tornado came through, but with all this rain forcast for the weekend, I am sure to make some headway on the housekeeping...

Ahhh! Anyway, after work I devoted my evening to the rescue, where we made leaps and bounds with my newest favorite little buddy, Bandit. He was super scared of humans, and today was the first day I have actually been successful at getting him out on a walk with me! I just got home not too long ago, fed my crew in the sludgy mud, and then checked all my skunk traps... now it is time for a bit of some Real Housewives and some Eddie cuddles. Christian is on the horn with our best friend, Paul, who lives in New York. Why not watch bad tv in bed?!?

It's late..... and we are more than halfway through the week! I am off to dreamland.....



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