
sundays are for.....

Sundays are probably my favorite day. If there is work to be done, I usually try to get it all done on Saturday so that I can have one day before going back to work, of total soaking up the magical and mystical beauty that sits just outside my door.

Today was perfect. It was sunny and bright, and then it rained - all while continuing to be sunny and bright. When I was younger, I always heard that when it rained and the sun was out, that meant the devil was beating his wife. It is funny, because now as an adult, I always have that thought pop into my head when this happens...
The colors outside after a good summer soaking are so bright.
Rose got a good soaking, while Hazel opted to stay in the shelter until the rain stopped.... I stand out in the field sometimes in total awe of how beautiful she is. Ten years old, never been ridden, and no real manners instilled. She is a wild one.... I see what my dad saw in her. I am grateful every single day to have had the resources to take her in, and I cannot believe that I as much as I love animals, I never had any interest in getting to know the equine variety.... Had she not been one of the loves that my dad left behind, I may have never known this kind of love.

 .....and the beautiful Hazel. Such a different being altogether. Her history is partially documented in the form of her scars. An old working horse. I am glad to be able to have her here as a companion to Rose. They are now inseparable. Rose never had a companion until Hazel came here. Hopefully she will be around for a long time. Sometimes just being in the presence of these two makes me feel like I am in a fairytale...

 I picked some apples and made a galette (click HERE for recipe). The first of the year! It is a whole lot more enjoyable when you can prepare delicious treats made from ingredients from your land... 

 After feeding Eddie dinner, I noticed I left the food bin open. He had no qualms about helping himself.... ha!
 I decided since I was home all day (and going in and out) and couldn't do any yard work for some time because of either the rain or the super wet grass, I would let Eli help me out.... I regularly checked on him either through windows or the peephole...... When I noticed he was on the porch, I decided to go out and hang with him a bit before putting him back in the pasture for the evening.

...at the end of the day, I watched some tv with Christian, we finished off the galette, and I drew a bath before calling it a day..... 

Night, y'all! 

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