
Want/ Need/ Hear/ See

I want an outdoor bathtub to soak! I WILL have one....one day....

 Since my dad passed, I will now be taking in his horse, Rose. I have the land, just no fencing is in place, and no shelter for her at the moment. I have set up a way for you to help donate to this effort if you feel that you can. We will be putting in the fence ourselves, doing all the labor ourselves, and building the shelter as well, but if you have ever looked into actually buying the materials, IT IS EXPENSIVE! I always donate to animal causes, rescues, etc. regularly, and with this unforeseen tragedy, I was not financially prepared to take on these expenses for fencing additional property for this horse. If you have ever wanted to help out with a project at the farm, this is a way I can really use the help. Click on the button below to be directed to PayPal where you can throw in any amount to helping Rose get on her way to Winterville! Thank you!!

This week's "hear" is a mix. Sweet and lovely songs that sum up my mood today....

I haven't seen this since it came out - I recently came across the movie poster and really want to see this again sometime soon! Maybe I can find a way to stream it tonight......

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