
surprise, surprise!

Ello… I ended up getting a pretty little blanket of snow across the farm a few days ago and it came as a surprise! It seemed as if it was going to pass us by completely so I hadn’t planned on it especially since we just got snow less than two weeks ago. It came down for hours and as always, this Georgia gal gets a little excited about a little farm dusting… Luckily I was prepared and doled out extra hay and packed the wood stove to keep the house nice and toasty….

I was able to spot lots of little footprints of some of the wildlife out here that passes through. Here you see rabbit tracks, but I also saw lots of deer tracks also. 

One of the security cameras caught me at feeding time hauling hay and snacks to the horses…
…and even though I stocked the run-ins full of hay, the horses preferred to stand out in it.
… so I gave in and also doled out snacks in the pasture as well.
There is something magical about seeing your house covered in snow…I don’t know if there will come a time where I don’t marvel over how different the view is each day. 

I closed the business for a day and a half, but the bus was up and running by this afternoon despite the dirt road still being covered in snow. Luckily all the main roads were treated and ice free for doggy pickups and hiking. 

It is quite different experiencing this kind of magic all by my lonesome on the farm, but I am making the most of this new chapter in my life. I have been working on surrounding myself with things and people and relationships that fuel my life for good.  I'm processing a lot lately and aim to work even harder to see beauty in everything. I'm striving to find gratitude in every situation and make changes to nurture a thankful heart. While I'd still rather chat over coffee or a call, I must admit here that the last few years wasn't perfect. I tried, failed, changed, and grew. I discovered weaknesses in my character, but truly lived, adventuring solo and exploring my identity. I hope for more moments of truth, adventure, and honesty this year. I want to embrace what makes me happy, wish success for others, and welcome the inevitable hurt that fosters growth. I'm working hard to savor life as if each day is my last and you should too! 

til next time,


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