
current events

Good morning! Lots of stuff happening this week between the bus and the farm and me! I’m still getting into the swing of blogging and what time of day works for me to do it. I always blogged in the mornings in the past before my office job, but honestly it doesn’t feel like the right time anymore. Yet, the evenings don’t quite feel like the right time either… so for now, I’m gonna jump back into things with weekly posts (at least)….

 I think eventually I’ll settle with doing this in the evenings, but this morning it is so cold and I’m not really looking forward to getting out in it to feed the horses and goats just yet, so here we are ;)

For starters, I am having to have some dental work done. Just over 25 years ago, I was in a car accident and had a tooth break that had to have a crown. Recently the crown broke and next week is my final appointment to finish the process of fixing it. I’m not a big fan of the dentist and haven’t been in years, so this is kind of a big deal. Luckily I found a dentist I like and he’s impressed that my teeth are in such good shape despite not having yearly cleanings for the last several years. I do have one teeny cavity (my first ever cavity) that I’ll get filled after the crown is done. 

Here in Georgia we are in a hay shortage due to an army worm invasion last summer and the fact that the weather is crazy. We had cold temps and snow a few weeks ago and it’s forecasted that we will have more super cold temps and another (very slim) chance of snow today. When you have a farm with horses and goats, this means you need hay - more than normal when it’s not forecast to get above freezing temps for several days. I usually only feed hay here from late November to late February, and I don’t have lots of storage to hold more than a whole season’s worth of hay…I am having to manage in a way that isn’t exactly easy…

…then there is this super cold snap… and having enough wood to get through it…. I will say that between daily hikes with dogs, loading, unloading and stacking firewood, and man handling a round bale that ways 1300lbs, I am managing to stay in pretty decent shape this winter. 

Well, I’m off to drive the pup bus and pick up doggies for the day but here are some photos of Rose and Buddy from last week… lots happening here so I am sure I’ll be back soon! 


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